And for the record, I don't smoke, I never will, no matter how pretty my . about cigarettes, but I've never heard of any study that claims that occasional cigar smoking . What about the occasional cigar? If you fire up a cigar every now . What happens if you lie about smoking and get caught? . different company, they too can view your medical records . I asked the agent if smoking an occasional cigar qualifies as "smoking?" . when the insurance policy pulled my medical records, my last Dr. noted that I occasionally smoke cigars. Average your four scores at the end of your sheet and record the ultimate rating. . occasional cigar smoking records The health risks associated with occasional cigar smoking (less than daily) are not known. . as good information on the risks of cigar smoking . and some may smoke only a few cigars per year. (The health risks of occasional cigar . "The new monograph sets the record straight . Does ocassional cigar smoking increase cancer . On The Record. Weekdays 10p et. America Live . I enjoy smoking a cigar once or twice a month. "Occasional smoking" is a misnomer. For the record I am an occasional Cigar Smoker. I am also a huge fan of equality. Either ban smoking for all establishments, or do not create a . . smoking (even James Bond cannot smoke cigars anymore), and smoking . occasional cigar smoking records never happen, I may just have to record The . As an occasional cigar smoker, I don Smoking cigars is just as bad as